产品型号: DS200EXPSG1ABB
产品分类: GE/通用电气
DS200EXPSG1ABB是GE的Mark V涡轮机控制系统中使用的电源板。Mark V是一款Speedtronic系统,专门设计用于管理和控制工业涡轮机系统。我们努力保持更换零件的手头,并准备为此系统和其他GE Speedtronic系统发货。让我们知道我们可以做些什么来帮助您满足 Mark I 到 Mark VIe 更换零件的需求。
DS200EXPSG1ABB电源板用于提供信号以测量交流和直流输入功率。该板还在由站电池供电时提供电流限制动作。更换或维护此设备时,应始终先断开驱动器的电源。始终将电路板视为静电敏感型。DS200EXPSG1ABB板可使用J1跳线开关手动配置。但是,请确保您的跳线设置与您要更换的电路板的设置相匹配。其他电路板组件包括电感线圈、接线端子、引脚连接器、变压器和整流器。该板已在工厂钻孔以允许安装,板表面标有板标识符、GE 徽标和代码,以帮助接线和正确安装。
The DS200EXPSG1ABB is a power board used in GE's Mark V turbine control system. The Mark V is a Speedtronic system specifically designed to manage and control industrial turbine systems. We strive to keep replacement parts on hand and are ready to ship this system and other GE Speedtronic systems. Let us know what we can do to help you meet your Mark I to Mark VIe replacement parts needs.
The DS200EXPSG1ABB power board is used to provide signals to measure AC and DC input power. The board also provides current limiting action when powered by the station battery. When replacing or maintaining this device, always disconnect the power from the drive first. Always treat circuit boards as electrostatic sensitive. The DS200EXPSG1ABB board can be manually configured using the J1 jumper switch. However, make sure that your jumper settings match the settings of the circuit board you are replacing. Other circuit board components include inductive coils, wiring terminals, pin connectors, transformers, and rectifiers. The board has been factory drilled to allow installation, and its surface is marked with a board identifier, GE logo, and code to assist with wiring and proper installation.
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC-07B | 140CPS11410 | MVI56E-61850S |
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC09 | 140CPS12400R | MVI56E-AFC |
IS200SAMBH1ABA | FBC21 | 140CPS12420 | MVI56E-DNPNET |
IS210SAMBH2AA | FBI10E | 140CPS21400 | MVI56E-FLN |
IS200TBCIS2CCD | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU11303 | MVI56E-GSCXT |
IS230TCISH6C | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU65150 | MVI56E-LDM |
IS200STCIH6AED | FBM01 | 140CRA21210 | MVI56E-MCMR |
IS230SNCIH6A | FBM01 DA | 140CRP93200 | MVI56E-MCMXT |
IS230TVBAH2A | FBM01 FBM02 FBM03 | 140DAI54000 | MVI56E-MNET |
IS200WNPSH1ABA | FBM04 | 140DAI55300 | MVI56E-MNETC |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400DA | 140DAO84000 | MVI56E-MNETCR |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400HH | 140DAO84210 | MVI56E-MNETCXT |
IS200AEADH4ADA | FBM01DA | 140DDI35300 | MVI56E-MNETR |
IS210AEBIH1BED | FBM01P0400DA | 140DDI35310 | MVI56E-MNETXT |
IS210AEDBH4AGD | FBM02 | 140DRA84000 | MVI56E-SIE |
IS210WSVOH1AE | FBM02 PO500RG | 140DRC83000 | MVI69-101M |
IS23OTNSVH3A | FBM02PO400YC | 140EHC10500 | MVI69-101S |
IS220PSVOH1B | FBM03 | 140EHC20200 | MVI69-103M |
IS200TRPAH2AHE | FBM03 YD | 140HLI34000 | MVI69-104S |
IS230TNPAH2A | FBM03 P0400YD | 140MSB10100 | MVI69-DFNT |
IS200EPSMG1AEC | FBM03 P0500RU | 140NOE77111 | MVI69-DNPSNET |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A | 140NOM21100 | MVI69-EGD |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A P0400YD | 140NRP31200C | MVI69-FLN |
IS200EGPAG1BCA | FBM03YD | 140CRP31200C | MVI69-MNETC |
IS220PPRFH1A | FBM04 | 140NRP95400 | MVI69-PDPS |
IS210AEPSG1AFC | FBM04 YE | 140NRP95401C | MVI69-S3964R |
IS220PPDAH1B | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDI95300S | MVI69E-MBS |
IS200TBCIH2CAA | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDO95300S | MVI69E-MBTCP |
IS210AEBIH3BED | FBM04 P0500RY | 140XBE10000 | MVI69L-MBS |
IS200EXHSG3AEC | FBM04P0400YE | 140XCP51000 | MVI69L-MBTCP |
IS200TSVCH1AJE | FBM04YE | 170AAO92100 | MVI71-DFCM |
IS215ACLEH1A | FBM05 | 170INT11003 | MVI71-GEC |
地址: 厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号2009单元