产品型号: DS200EXPSG1A
产品分类: GE/通用电气
说明书 | GEI-100168 |
制造者 | 通用电气通用电气 |
部件号 | DS200EXPSG1A |
产品类型 | 大容量电源板 |
系列 | 马克五世 |
GE电源板DS200EXPSG1A具有一个复位按钮、3个保险丝和1个LED。GE电源板DS200EXPSG1A还装有3个9针连接器、多个电容器和测试点。DS200EXPSG1A电路板上的 3 个保险丝用于保护电路板上的所有组件免受过压情况以及其他不规则电压条件的影响。如果电路中存在过多的电压,保险丝内的元件将熔化。在这种情况下,保险丝所属的电路将停止运行,电源将停止进入电路,并且所有组件都将受到电压条件保护。但是,如果保险丝熔断,服务商必须确定过电压情况的原因,并且必须更换保险丝。如果您不熟悉驱动器使用的电源,请咨询工程师或其他知识渊博的个人。
请参阅DS200EXPSG1A了解保险丝的额定值。重要的是,您只能用具有相同额定值的保险丝更换保险丝。另一个额定保险丝可能会使元件承受电压,这可能会使元件暴露在过高的电压下,从而损坏电路板。一旦您对过压问题得到解决感到满意,请断开驱动器的电源。然后,断开连接到DS200EXPSG1A的所有电缆,并使用螺丝刀卸下将主板连接到机架机柜的 4 个螺钉。检查保险丝并更换熔断的保险丝。
The GE power board DS200EXPSG1A has a reset button, 3 fuses, and 1 LED. The GE power board DS200EXPSG1A is also equipped with three 9-pin connectors, multiple capacitors, and test points. The three fuses on the DS200EXPSG1A circuit board are used to protect all components on the circuit board from overvoltage conditions and other irregular voltage conditions. If there is too much voltage in the circuit, the components within the fuse will melt. In this case, the circuit to which the fuse belongs will stop operating, power will stop entering the circuit, and all components will be protected against voltage conditions. However, if a fuse blows, the service provider must determine the cause of the overvoltage condition and must replace the fuse. If you are unfamiliar with the power supplies used by the drive, consult an engineer or other knowledgeable individual.
Refer to DS200EXPSG1A for fuse ratings. It is important that you replace fuses only with fuses of the same rating. Another rated fuse may expose the component to voltage, which may expose the component to excessive voltage, thereby damaging the circuit board. Once you are satisfied that the overvoltage problem has been resolved, please disconnect the power from the drive. Then, disconnect all cables connected to the DS200EXPSG1A and use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that connect the system board to the rack cabinet. Check the fuse and replace the blown fuse.
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC-07B | 140CPS11410 | MVI56E-61850S |
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC09 | 140CPS12400R | MVI56E-AFC |
IS200SAMBH1ABA | FBC21 | 140CPS12420 | MVI56E-DNPNET |
IS210SAMBH2AA | FBI10E | 140CPS21400 | MVI56E-FLN |
IS200TBCIS2CCD | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU11303 | MVI56E-GSCXT |
IS230TCISH6C | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU65150 | MVI56E-LDM |
IS200STCIH6AED | FBM01 | 140CRA21210 | MVI56E-MCMR |
IS230SNCIH6A | FBM01 DA | 140CRP93200 | MVI56E-MCMXT |
IS230TVBAH2A | FBM01 FBM02 FBM03 | 140DAI54000 | MVI56E-MNET |
IS200WNPSH1ABA | FBM04 | 140DAI55300 | MVI56E-MNETC |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400DA | 140DAO84000 | MVI56E-MNETCR |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400HH | 140DAO84210 | MVI56E-MNETCXT |
IS200AEADH4ADA | FBM01DA | 140DDI35300 | MVI56E-MNETR |
IS210AEBIH1BED | FBM01P0400DA | 140DDI35310 | MVI56E-MNETXT |
IS210AEDBH4AGD | FBM02 | 140DRA84000 | MVI56E-SIE |
IS210WSVOH1AE | FBM02 PO500RG | 140DRC83000 | MVI69-101M |
IS23OTNSVH3A | FBM02PO400YC | 140EHC10500 | MVI69-101S |
IS220PSVOH1B | FBM03 | 140EHC20200 | MVI69-103M |
IS200TRPAH2AHE | FBM03 YD | 140HLI34000 | MVI69-104S |
IS230TNPAH2A | FBM03 P0400YD | 140MSB10100 | MVI69-DFNT |
IS200EPSMG1AEC | FBM03 P0500RU | 140NOE77111 | MVI69-DNPSNET |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A | 140NOM21100 | MVI69-EGD |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A P0400YD | 140NRP31200C | MVI69-FLN |
IS200EGPAG1BCA | FBM03YD | 140CRP31200C | MVI69-MNETC |
IS220PPRFH1A | FBM04 | 140NRP95400 | MVI69-PDPS |
IS210AEPSG1AFC | FBM04 YE | 140NRP95401C | MVI69-S3964R |
IS220PPDAH1B | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDI95300S | MVI69E-MBS |
IS200TBCIH2CAA | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDO95300S | MVI69E-MBTCP |
IS210AEBIH3BED | FBM04 P0500RY | 140XBE10000 | MVI69L-MBS |
IS200EXHSG3AEC | FBM04P0400YE | 140XCP51000 | MVI69L-MBTCP |
IS200TSVCH1AJE | FBM04YE | 170AAO92100 | MVI71-DFCM |
IS215ACLEH1A | FBM05 | 170INT11003 | MVI71-GEC |
地址: 厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号2009单元