产品型号: DS200EXPSG1
产品分类: GE/通用电气
说明书 | GEI-100168 |
制造者 | 通用电气通用电气 |
部件号 | DS200EXPSG1 |
产品类型 | 大容量电源板 |
系列 | 马克五世 |
The GE power board DS200EXPSG1 has a reset button, 3 fuses, and 1 LED. The GE power board DS200EXPSG1 is also equipped with three 9-pin connectors, multiple capacitors, and test points. The board operates by receiving command signals from other boards. During normal processing, the DS200EXPSG1 is able to respond to commands and execute as expected. However, sometimes the command is complete or interfered with by the power supply. The circuit board may respond by stopping or providing an intermittent response to commands. In this case, the correct first troubleshooting step is to find the reset button for the DS200EXPSG1. The reset button restarts processing on the circuit board without turning off the power to the circuit board. If you receive any interference or have processing errors, pressing the reset button will clear any issues. You can press the reset button while the circuit board is receiving power, but due to the presence of high voltage current on the circuit board, care must be taken not to touch any components on the circuit board.
In addition, when you reach into the cabinet, please avoid touching any other boards or components. Touching components can cause serious injury or burns. During the process, the practice is to have another service person or assistant nearby. In the event of an accident, if necessary, other service personnel can unplug the emergency power supply and turn off the equipment or seek assistance. Before reaching into the drive, ensure that the floor is dry and free of grease and oil. Any moisture can conduct electricity and cause a hazardous situation.
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC-07B | 140CPS11410 | MVI56E-61850S |
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC09 | 140CPS12400R | MVI56E-AFC |
IS200SAMBH1ABA | FBC21 | 140CPS12420 | MVI56E-DNPNET |
IS210SAMBH2AA | FBI10E | 140CPS21400 | MVI56E-FLN |
IS200TBCIS2CCD | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU11303 | MVI56E-GSCXT |
IS230TCISH6C | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU65150 | MVI56E-LDM |
IS200STCIH6AED | FBM01 | 140CRA21210 | MVI56E-MCMR |
IS230SNCIH6A | FBM01 DA | 140CRP93200 | MVI56E-MCMXT |
IS230TVBAH2A | FBM01 FBM02 FBM03 | 140DAI54000 | MVI56E-MNET |
IS200WNPSH1ABA | FBM04 | 140DAI55300 | MVI56E-MNETC |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400DA | 140DAO84000 | MVI56E-MNETCR |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400HH | 140DAO84210 | MVI56E-MNETCXT |
IS200AEADH4ADA | FBM01DA | 140DDI35300 | MVI56E-MNETR |
IS210AEBIH1BED | FBM01P0400DA | 140DDI35310 | MVI56E-MNETXT |
IS210AEDBH4AGD | FBM02 | 140DRA84000 | MVI56E-SIE |
IS210WSVOH1AE | FBM02 PO500RG | 140DRC83000 | MVI69-101M |
IS23OTNSVH3A | FBM02PO400YC | 140EHC10500 | MVI69-101S |
IS220PSVOH1B | FBM03 | 140EHC20200 | MVI69-103M |
IS200TRPAH2AHE | FBM03 YD | 140HLI34000 | MVI69-104S |
IS230TNPAH2A | FBM03 P0400YD | 140MSB10100 | MVI69-DFNT |
IS200EPSMG1AEC | FBM03 P0500RU | 140NOE77111 | MVI69-DNPSNET |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A | 140NOM21100 | MVI69-EGD |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A P0400YD | 140NRP31200C | MVI69-FLN |
IS200EGPAG1BCA | FBM03YD | 140CRP31200C | MVI69-MNETC |
IS220PPRFH1A | FBM04 | 140NRP95400 | MVI69-PDPS |
IS210AEPSG1AFC | FBM04 YE | 140NRP95401C | MVI69-S3964R |
IS220PPDAH1B | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDI95300S | MVI69E-MBS |
IS200TBCIH2CAA | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDO95300S | MVI69E-MBTCP |
IS210AEBIH3BED | FBM04 P0500RY | 140XBE10000 | MVI69L-MBS |
IS200EXHSG3AEC | FBM04P0400YE | 140XCP51000 | MVI69L-MBTCP |
IS200TSVCH1AJE | FBM04YE | 170AAO92100 | MVI71-DFCM |
IS215ACLEH1A | FBM05 | 170INT11003 | MVI71-GEC |
地址: 厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号2009单元