产品型号: DS200EXDEG1A
产品分类: GE/通用电气
制造者 | 通用电气通用电气 |
部件号 | DS200EXDEG1A |
产品类型 | 去励磁控制板 |
系列 | 马克五世 |
GE励磁控制板DS200EXDEG1A具有2个34针连接器、2个10针连接器和5个指示灯LED。它还装有 8 个电容器、测试点和端子连接器。在正常处理过程中,电容器存储高压电流,当发出信号时,DS200EXDEG1A上的电路释放高压。相同的电路再次开始存储高压电流的过程。在正常运行期间,操作员不知道循环,并且不会因为电容器而面临安全问题。但是,当更换电路板时,服务商可能会暴露在高压电流中。做法是让电容器中的高压电流在接触电路板之前消散。这只需要 30 秒。简而言之,为避免高压电流,请在断开外部电源后等待 30 秒,然后再触摸电路板。
DS200EXDEG1A板有 5 个操作员可见的 OK LED。当电路板通过启动时执行的所有诊断检查时,它们会亮起,如果没有遇到错误,它们将保持打开状态。这为操作员提供了一种在正常加工过程中监控电路板状态的快速方法。DS200EXDEG1A端子连接器用于连接跨接电缆以实现特定的处理结果。书面文档提供了端子连接器的描述以及通过将两个端子连接器跳接在一起可以实现的特定结果。跨接电缆具有适合端子的连接器。电源通过插头连接器提供给电路板。正确连接后,连接器会卡入到位。要卸下电缆,请握住插头端并将其从连接器中拉出。
The GE excitation control board DS200EXDEG1A has two 34 pin connectors, two 10 pin connectors, and five indicator LEDs. It also contains eight capacitors, test points, and terminal connectors. During normal processing, the capacitor stores high voltage current, and when a signal is sent, the circuit on the DS200EXDEG1A releases the high voltage. The same circuit again begins the process of storing high voltage current. During normal operation, the operator is unaware of the cycle and will not face safety issues due to capacitors. However, when replacing a circuit board, the service provider may be exposed to high voltage currents. The practice is to allow the high voltage current in the capacitor to dissipate before contacting the circuit board. This only takes 30 seconds. In short, to avoid high voltage currents, wait 30 seconds after disconnecting the external power supply before touching the circuit board.
The DS200EXDEG1A board has five OK LEDs visible to the operator. "When the circuit board passes all diagnostic checks performed at startup, they light up, and if no errors are encountered, they remain open.". This provides operators with a quick way to monitor the status of circuit boards during normal processing. The DS200EXDEG1A terminal connector is used to connect jumper cables to achieve specific processing results. Written documentation provides a description of the terminal connectors and specific results that can be achieved by jumping the two terminal connectors together. The jumper cable has a connector suitable for the terminal. Power is supplied to the circuit board through a plug connector. When properly connected, the connector will snap into place. To remove the cable, grasp the plug end and pull it out of the connector.
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC-07B | 140CPS11410 | MVI56E-61850S |
IS220UCSAH1A | FBC09 | 140CPS12400R | MVI56E-AFC |
IS200SAMBH1ABA | FBC21 | 140CPS12420 | MVI56E-DNPNET |
IS210SAMBH2AA | FBI10E | 140CPS21400 | MVI56E-FLN |
IS200TBCIS2CCD | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU11303 | MVI56E-GSCXT |
IS230TCISH6C | FBI10E P0972AJ | 140CPU65150 | MVI56E-LDM |
IS200STCIH6AED | FBM01 | 140CRA21210 | MVI56E-MCMR |
IS230SNCIH6A | FBM01 DA | 140CRP93200 | MVI56E-MCMXT |
IS230TVBAH2A | FBM01 FBM02 FBM03 | 140DAI54000 | MVI56E-MNET |
IS200WNPSH1ABA | FBM04 | 140DAI55300 | MVI56E-MNETC |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400DA | 140DAO84000 | MVI56E-MNETCR |
IS200TRLYH1 BGF | FBM01 P0400HH | 140DAO84210 | MVI56E-MNETCXT |
IS200AEADH4ADA | FBM01DA | 140DDI35300 | MVI56E-MNETR |
IS210AEBIH1BED | FBM01P0400DA | 140DDI35310 | MVI56E-MNETXT |
IS210AEDBH4AGD | FBM02 | 140DRA84000 | MVI56E-SIE |
IS210WSVOH1AE | FBM02 PO500RG | 140DRC83000 | MVI69-101M |
IS23OTNSVH3A | FBM02PO400YC | 140EHC10500 | MVI69-101S |
IS220PSVOH1B | FBM03 | 140EHC20200 | MVI69-103M |
IS200TRPAH2AHE | FBM03 YD | 140HLI34000 | MVI69-104S |
IS230TNPAH2A | FBM03 P0400YD | 140MSB10100 | MVI69-DFNT |
IS200EPSMG1AEC | FBM03 P0500RU | 140NOE77111 | MVI69-DNPSNET |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A | 140NOM21100 | MVI69-EGD |
IS200EPSMG1AED | FBM03A P0400YD | 140NRP31200C | MVI69-FLN |
IS200EGPAG1BCA | FBM03YD | 140CRP31200C | MVI69-MNETC |
IS220PPRFH1A | FBM04 | 140NRP95400 | MVI69-PDPS |
IS210AEPSG1AFC | FBM04 YE | 140NRP95401C | MVI69-S3964R |
IS220PPDAH1B | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDI95300S | MVI69E-MBS |
IS200TBCIH2CAA | FBM04 P0400YE | 140SDO95300S | MVI69E-MBTCP |
IS210AEBIH3BED | FBM04 P0500RY | 140XBE10000 | MVI69L-MBS |
IS200EXHSG3AEC | FBM04P0400YE | 140XCP51000 | MVI69L-MBTCP |
IS200TSVCH1AJE | FBM04YE | 170AAO92100 | MVI71-DFCM |
IS215ACLEH1A | FBM05 | 170INT11003 | MVI71-GEC |
地址: 厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号2009单元