产品型号: DS200IIBDG1AGA
产品分类: GE/通用电气
制造者 | 通用电气通用电气 |
部件号 | DS200IIBDG1AGA |
产品类型 | AC2000I IGBT 驱动卡 |
系列 | 马克五世 |
GE绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)板DS200IIBDG1AGA包含9个指示灯LED,提供处理状态。从电路板机柜内部可以看到 LED,点亮时呈红色。 LED 以三组形式位于电路板上,每组包含三个 LED。每组 LED 都与一个 8 针连接器相关联,该连接器位于 LED 旁边。LED 指示从 8 针连接器接收或发送的信号的状态。
三个 8 引脚连接器在 GE 绝缘栅双极晶体管 (IGBT) 板 DS200IIBDG1AGA 上标识为 APL、BPL 和 CPL。此外,该板还配备了一个 34 针连接器,该连接器由两排 17 针组成。带状电缆可以连接到 34 针连接器。带状电缆也连接到机柜中的电路板,必须正确布线以避免接触其他组件。电缆仅限于驱动器内部。
The GE insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) board DS200IIBDG1AGA contains 9 indicator LEDs to provide processing status. The LED can be seen from inside the circuit board cabinet and is red when lit. The LEDs are located on the circuit board in three groups, each containing three LEDs. Each set of LEDs is associated with an 8-pin connector located next to the LED. LEDs indicate the status of signals received or transmitted from the 8-pin connector.
The three 8-pin connectors are identified as APL, BPL, and CPL on the GE insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) board DS200IIBDG1AGA. In addition, the board is equipped with a 34 pin connector that consists of two rows of 17 pins. Ribbon cables can be connected to a 34 pin connector. Ribbon cables are also connected to the circuit board in the cabinet and must be properly routed to avoid contact with other components. The cables are limited to the inside of the drive.
To remove a defective circuit board, you must remove the six screws that secure the DS200IIBDG1AGA circuit board to the inside structure of the cabinet. When using a screwdriver to remove screws, make sure not to brush other components in the cabinet or solder joints on the board. It is important to clearly see the components so that you can avoid damage. Remove any screws that fell into the drive.
DS2000CPCAG1 | DSTA121 | P0400VE | 8273-503 | MVME162-220 |
DS200PCCAG7ACB | 38C6100401 SD831 | P0903ZL | 8273-505 | MVME162-212 |
DS200IMCPG1BBA | PM866K01 | P0914XB | 8273-507 | MVME147SB-1 |
DS200SDCCG4AEC | 3BSE050198R1 | P0916FK | 8271-468 | MVME162-522A |
DS200TCQCG1BGF | DSCS117 | P0916JW | 8271-923 | MVME162-510A |
DS200QTBAG1ACB | DSMD113 | P0970BC | 8272-169 | MVME712/M |
DS200DTBDG1 | CI520V1 | P0971WV | 9903-129 | MVME162-532A |
DS200CTBAG1A | CI547 | FCM10EF | 9907-162 | MVME162-201 |
DS200PTBAG1AEC | CI546 3BSE012545R1 | FCM10E | 9907-163 | MVME761-001 |
DS200TCQCG1BJF | CI570 3BSE001440R1 | P0926LC | 9907-164 | MVME162-202 |
DS200DTBBG1 | CI522A 3BSE018283R1 | P0926MX | 9907-169 | MVME510-055 |
DS200SDCCG5AHD | CI534V02 3BSEO10700R1 | P0926MY | 9907-170 | MVME-410 |
DS200SLCCG3A | CI541V1 3BSE01 4666R1 | P0926MZ | 9907-171 | MVME162-222 |
DS200FSAAG2 A | CI535V30 3BSE022162R1 | P0926NK | 9907-165 | MVME332XT |
DS200FSAAG1 A | CI532V05 3BSE007297R1 | P0926NL | 9907-166 | MVME133-1 |
DS200UPSAG1AGD | 3BSE012545R1 | P0926NM | 9907-167 | MVME167 |
DS200NATOG1 | 3BSE018283R1 | P0926NN | 9907-173 | MVME712-103 |
DS200ITXDG1AAA | 3BSE007297R1 | P0926NP | 9907-174 | MVME143S-2 |
DS200DCFBG1BLC | 3Bnp004429R1 | P0926NQ | 9907-175 | MVME712M |
DS200SDCIG1AFB | CI522 | P0926NS | 9907-252 | MVME147SB-2 |
DS200PCCAG8ACB | CI526 | P0926PA | 9907-838 | MVME147SC-2 |
DS200SHVMG1AFE | CI532V02 | P0926PS | 9907-004 | MVME162-020A |
DS200PCCAG5ACB | CI532V04 | P0926PT | 9907-005 | MVME167-01A |
DS200RTBAG3AGC | CI540 | P0926QL | 9907-006 | MVME167-34B |
DS200SSBAG1A | CI560 | P0926QM | 9907-205 | MVME374-1 |
DS200IPCSG1 | CI570 | P0926QN | 9905-001 | MVME162-523 |
DS200SDCCG4A | CI610 | P0926QP | 9905-002 | MVME332XTP |
DS200PTBAG1ADC | CI615K01 | P0926QS | 9905-003 | MVME328-1 |
DS200UPLAG1BDA | CI627 | P0926QT | 9905-004 | MVME167-031A |
DS200TCCBG1A | CI627A | P0926QV | 9905-005 | MVME187-33A |
DS200TCDAH1BJE | CI630 | P0926RV | 9905-008 | MVME147-022 |
DS200TCQFG1A | CI630K02 | P0926SP FBM215/218 | 9905-009 | MVME712-104 |
地址: 厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号2009单元