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DS200IMCPG1CCB IGBT P/S板 GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中

  • DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中
  • DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中
  • DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中
  • DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中
  • DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中
DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中

DS200IMCPG1CCB IGBT P/S板 GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中

    产品型号: DS200IMCPG1CCB


    产品分类: GE/通用电气

DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中 DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中
DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中


DS200IMCPG1CCB是通用电气的电源接口板。该组件是Mark V系列的一部分,该系列是GE后来发布的Speedtronic系列之一。DS200IMCPG1CCB 板通常通过电缆连接到 SDCC 驱动控制板上的 1PL 输入连接器。GE Mark V DS200IMCPG1CCB用作GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中的IGBT P/S板。

DS200IMCPG1CCB 是一款人口稠密的电路板,其右下角有一个小的三位置端子条。其他连接器包括具有不同引脚数量的多个垂直引脚连接器,以及卡入式连接器。DS200IMCPG1CCB电路板表面有几个保险丝和金属氧化物压敏电阻,以防止电压变化。如果需要,熔断的保险丝可以拆卸和更换。在关闭组件之前,请务必断开电路板的电源,并且仅在使用电流测试仪测试电路板后才这样做。

其他电路板组件包括散热器、电阻网络阵列、变压器、晶体管、集成电路、电阻器、跳线开关和不同功率的电容器。DS200IMCPG1CCB还有两个朝向中心位置的 LED 指示灯。

The DS200IMCPG1CCB is a power interface board for General Electric. This component is part of the Mark V series, which was one of GE's later released Speedtronic series. The DS200IMCPG1CCB board is typically connected via a cable to the 1PL input connector on the SDCC drive control board. The GE Mark V DS200IMCPG1CCB is used as an IGBT P/S board in the GE Mark V Speedtronic series.
The DS200IMCPG1CCB is a densely populated circuit board with a small three position terminal strip in the lower right corner. Other connectors include multiple vertical pin connectors with different pin counts, as well as snap in connectors. The DS200IMCPG1CCB circuit board has several fuses and metal oxide varistors on its surface to prevent voltage changes. If necessary, the blown fuse can be removed and replaced. Before shutting down components, be sure to disconnect the power from the circuit board and only do so after testing the circuit board using a current tester.

Other circuit board components include heat sinks, resistor network arrays, transformers, transistors, integrated circuits, resistors, jumper switches, and capacitors of different powers. The DS200IMCPG1CCB also has two LED indicators facing the center position.

DS200IMCPG1CCB  IGBT P/S板  GE Mark V Speedtronic系列中


厦门雄霸专注于DCS、PLC、机器人、大型伺服四大系统领域, 主营产品各种模块/卡件,控制器,触摸屏,伺服驱动器                
公司优势:供应进口原装正品,专业停产配件 ,发货快,货期精准,一手货源,现货库存超过1亿.


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电话: 15359317083
电子邮件: 3433465711@qq.com 

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