产品型号: DS200IQXDG1A
产品分类: GE/通用电气
DS200IQXDG1A是通用电气制造的电路板,用于其Mark V Speedtronic系统。Mark V是基于微处理器的燃气和蒸汽轮机控制系统。它专门设计用于大中型涡轮机、单轴或双轴重型燃气轮机以及航改型燃气轮机。MKV 是一个三重冗余系统,使用三个冗余控制处理器;这允许在不关闭涡轮机系统的情况下修复这些处理器或其组件中的任何一个。DS200IQXDG1A 通常用于 Mark V 的 EX2000 子集。
DS200IQXDG1A 用作 EX2000 逆变器缓冲卡。缓冲卡可用于保护机械免受机械或电气开关打开时引起的电压尖峰的影响,这在泵或压缩机上经常发生。 缓冲器是它自己的能量吸收回路。
DS200IQXDG1A是一款小板,边角有钻孔,便于安装。电路板的中心包含四个标记为 E1 到 E4 的组件。这些是连接端子。该板还具有两个垂直针头连接器和五个卡入式连接器。 电路板上的其他组件包括金属膜电阻器和二极管。该板有三个连接晶体管的散热器。大部分电路板空间由两个聚丙烯电容器 (WIMA FKP 1.) 占用。这些是为脉冲应用而设计的。电容器具有金属化的内部串联连接和金属箔电极。这些电容器具有自愈功能,具有极高的脉冲占空比和极低的耗散因数。
The DS200IQXDG1A is a circuit board manufactured by General Electric for its Mark V Speedtronic system. Mark V is a microprocessor based gas and steam turbine control system. It is specifically designed for large and medium-sized turbines, single or dual shaft heavy-duty gas turbines, and aviation modified gas turbines. MKV is a triple redundant system using three redundant control processors; This allows repairing any of these processors or their components without shutting down the turbine system. The DS200IQXDG1A is typically used for the EX2000 subset of Mark V.
The DS200IQXDG1A is used as an EX2000 inverter buffer card. Buffer cards can be used to protect machinery from voltage spikes caused by opening mechanical or electrical switches, which often occur on pumps or compressors. The buffer is its own energy absorption circuit.
The DS200IQXDG1A is a small board with drilled corners for easy installation. The center of the circuit board contains four components labeled E1 through E4. These are the connection terminals. The board also has two vertical pin connectors and five snap in connectors. Other components on the circuit board include metal film resistors and diodes. The board has three heat sinks connected to transistors. Most of the circuit board space is occupied by two polypropylene capacitors (WIMA FKP 1.). These are designed for pulsed applications. The capacitor has a metallized internal series connection and a metal foil electrode. These capacitors have a self-healing function with extremely high pulse duty ratios and extremely low dissipation factors.
厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司成立于2014年,是一家全球工业自动化供应商,在业内以维护强大的预认证库存和定期解决物流挑战而闻名,通过机器停机情况为客户提供更高的交付速度。厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司专门从事 GE 通用电气涡轮机和励磁控制、GE 多林继电器、GE 驱动器、信实电驱动和 PLC、Pro-face HMI、康耐视视觉系统和伍德沃德发电,厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司以不同于我们的许多竞争对手的方式进入市场,培养了一项使命,即了解相当多的产品线,而不是通过追求成为所有人的一切而平庸。
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DS200TCTGG1AEE | PM861AK0 | 4101 | MVME712-102 | LAM 768-098564-002 |
DS200TCRAG1ACC | 3BSE018160R1 | 4107 | MVME162-520A | LAM 715-006435-001 |
DS200ACNAG1ADD | DSCS116 | 4118 | MVME-147S-1 | LAM 678-099744-004 |
DS200TBQBG1ACB | 5736045-A | 4119 | MVME236-2 | LAM 714-220204-001 |
DS200IQXDG1AAA | 5712000 RB/1 | 4119A | MVME1600-011 | LAM 715-049079-001 |
DS200IIBDG1AGA | 3BSE0384 | 4211 | MVME712-11 | LAM 724-074361-003 |
DS200ADGIH1A | 07R1 FS801K01 | 4328 | MVME162-010A | LAM 716-331088-001 |
DS200FHVAG1 A | PMA6AKO1 3BSE018161R1 | 4329 | MVME162-012A | LAM 003941 |
DS200RTBAG3AHC | 57520001-BZ | 4400 | MVME162-013 | LAM 810-800256-004 REV G |
DS200ITXSG1 | DSMD112 | 4500 | MVME162-020 | LAM 853-250445-001 |
DS200FGPAG1AFC | DSTA121 | 4507 | MVME162-022 | LAM 12-8800-211 |
DS200IIBDG1AEA | 38C6100401 SD831 | 4609 | MVME162-023 | LAM 715-019943-001 |
DS200IPCDG1 A | PM866K01 | 8312 | MVME162-023A | LAM 810-800082-043 |
DS200TCQBG1BCA | 3BSE050198R1 | 9566-810 | MVME162-040 | LAM 605-109114-003 |
DS200CTBAG1ADD G | DSCS117 | 9668-110 | MVME162-211 | LAM 810-800082-043 |
DS2000CPCAG1 | DSMD113 | 3002 | MVME162-213 | LAM 810-800081-022 |
DS200PCCAG7ACB | CI520V1 | 3005 | MVME162-215 | LAM 810-800081-022 |
DS200IMCPG1BBA | CI547 | 3008 | MVME162-253 | LAM 853-049542-173 |
DS200SDCCG4AEC | CI546 3BSE012545R1 | 3101 | MVME162-263 | LAM 810-800082-043 |
DS200TCQCG1BGF | CI570 3BSE001440R1 | 3201 | MVME162-410 | LAM 810-073479-215 |
DS200QTBAG1ACB | CI522A 3BSE018283R1 | 3301 | MVME162-433 | LAM 810-073479-215 |
DS200DTBDG1 | CI534V02 3BSEO10700R1 | 3351 | MVME162P-242LE | LAM 810-046015-010 |
DS200CTBAG1A | CI541V1 3BSE01 4666R1 | 3401 | MVME162P-242LSE | LAM 810-800082-043 |
DS200PTBAG1AEC | CI535V30 3BSE022162R1 | 3503E | MVME162P-244LE | LAM 810-800081-022 |
DS200TCQCG1BJF | CI532V05 3BSE007297R1 | 3511 | VMIVME-7751-734 | LAM 810-800081-022 |
DS200DTBBG1 | 3BSE012545R1 | 3623T | MVME166-011A | LAM 810-073479-215 |
DS200SDCCG5AHD | 3BSE018283R1 | 3664 | MVMEMIN-1343 | LAM 810-046015-010 |
DS200SLCCG3A | 3BSE007297R1 | 3704E | MVMEM68302FADS | LAM 810-046015-010 |
DS200FSAAG2 A | 3Bnp004429R1 | 3805E | MVME187-035A | LAM 810-068158-014 |
DS200FSAAG1 A | CI522 | 4200 | MVME187-02A | LAM 810-069751-114 |
DS200UPSAG1AGD | CI526 | 4201 | MVME147-013M | LAM 810-102361-222 |
DS200NATOG1 | CI532V02 | 4508 | MVME320A-1PCB | LAM 810-068158-014 |
DS200ITXDG1AAA | CI532V04 | 9561-810 | MVME1603-073 | LAM 810-801237-021 |
DS200DCFBG1BLC | CI540 | 9563-810 | VMEMVME187 | LAM 810-046015-010 |
DS200SDCIG1AFB | CI560 | 9662-610 | VMEMVME187-035A | LAM 810-073479-205 |
地址: 厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号2009单元